Apple's Mac OS X is the most sophistocated operating
system ever created

The Mac OS information
pages at Network Chico are
currently underdevelopment. Any user feedback
is greatly appreciated.
Note: iPhone Tips are online at
OS X Tips and Tricks
Visit Apple's
OS X site to learn more about the features built into OS
The Dock:
Key combinations to do a variety of things with your dock:
- Apple-tab will flip between the most recently used
applications. Continue holding down the Apple key and repeatedly
hit the tab key to bounce between all open applications.
- Apple-Q will quit the application that is selected
using the combination above.
- Option-click toggle 'Hide Application / Hide Others'
- Option-click on Desktop: Hide Application(s)
- Apple+Option Hide Others
- Control-click Show Context menu (same as right-click)
Right-click (or Control-click) an icon then press Option to Force
- Apple-click an application icon to open enclosing
folder and highlight the application.
The Trackpad:
If you have the option to tap the trackpad turned on you may
have noticed that your cursor goes all over the place when you
are typing. Open the mouse system preference pane and check off
the box marked "ignore trackpad when typing."
Screen Shots:
You have 3 options built into the system.
Mac OS key combination information
Mac maintenance checklist
Mac OS Internet resources:
Mac OS Security
at Network Chico
Apple Computer, Inc.
support for Mac products from Microsoft
software and games
VersionTracker for MacOS X for MacOS 9
Mac links
Mac security site
Apple Product Security pages
Mac Rumors
and news
on the Mac is another interesting Mac rumor site
Mac News
Network has been providing Mac news since 1995
Spymac World
offers Mac news as well as 1 GB free email
Mac Observer is a great source of Mac news
OS X resources
Mac OS 8.x-9.x resources
Mac Chico
Users Group
Attention Mac OS X (10.3.x "Panther") users:Download
the Security Configuration
Guide (3258 KB PDF) from Network
Chico. The purpose of this guide is to provide an
overview of Mac OS X v10.3.x Panther operating system
security and recommendations for configuring the security features.
This guide provides recommended settings to secure systems using
this operating system and points out problems that could cause
security concerns in systems using this operating system.